Natural rubber & Synthetic rubbers

Natural rubber

Natural Rubber - Solid state
Natural rubber is made from a runny, milky white liquid called latex that oozes from certain plants when you cut into them. (Common dandelions, for example, produce latex; if you snap off their stems, you can see the latex dripping out from them. In theory, there's no reason why we couldn't make rubber by growing dandelions, though we'd need an awful lot of them. Although there are something like 200 plants in the world that produce latex, over 99 percent of the world's natural rubber is made from the latex that comes from a tree species called Hevea brasiliensis, widely known as the rubber tree. This latex is about one third water and one third rubber particles held in a form known as a colloidal suspension. Natural rubber is a polymer of isoprene (also known as 2-methylbuta-1,3-diene) with the chemical formula (C5H8)n. To put it more simply, it's made of many thousands of basic C5H8units (the monomer of isoprene) loosely joined to make long, tangled chains. These chains of molecules can be pulled apart and untangled fairly easily, but they spring straight back together if you release them—and that's what makes rubber elastic.

Hevea brasiliensis-Rubber tree

Synthetic rubbers

Synthetic rubbers are made in chemical plants using petrochemicals as their starting point. One of the first (and still one of the best known) is neoprene (the brand name for polychloroprene), made by reacting together acetylene and hydrochloric acid. Emulsion styrene-butadiene rubber (E-SBR), another synthetic rubber, is widely used for making vehicle tires.For the rest of this article, we'll concentrate mostly on natural rubber.
Synthetic rubbers-Granular

Synthetic rubbers species

1. 丁晴橡胶(NBR)Nitrile Butadiene Rubber
2. 氢化丁晴橡胶(HNBR)
3. 乙丙橡胶(EPM\\EPDM)Ethylene propylene rubber
4. 硅橡胶(Q)Silicone rubber
5. 氟橡胶(FPM)Fluororubber
6. 天然橡胶(NR)Natural rubber
7. 丁苯橡胶(SBR)Polymerized Styrene Butadiene Rubber
8. 顺丁橡胶(BR)cis-polybutadiene
9. 异戊橡胶(IR)Isoprene rubber/Polyisoprene rubber
10. 氯丁橡胶(CR)Neoprene/Chloroprene Rubber
11. 丁基橡胶(IIR)Isobutylene Isoprene Rubber

Each Synthetic rubber species can use for different application & Industry depends on their special performance.

We specialize in customized, ODM, OEM service for Natural rubber & Synthetic rubber products.

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