How to judge the quality of silicone rubber

There is a saying: all consquence came from serious analysis, sometimes, we judge one person's perfessional level should from his professinal view, judging one brand should from its public praise, service and quality and many other sides. Today, I would like to share how to judge the quality of silicone rubber with you!
silicone rubber gasket
Many times the silicone rubber effection is out of requirement, if you have already clarified clearly, youshould have to judge the different and common place between your requirement and the actual product. By the way, the directly way to judge the silicone rubber product quality form its "hand feeling".
silicone rubber injection product 
Silicone rubber actual product judgement:
1. Does the peeling edge rough or not. Moudling line size decide the mould operation level, the mould operation level decide the product whole effection. So the peeling line is very important. 
2. Product vulcanization effection,  from hand feeling if you feeling its hardness is not balance, and product's return force and stretch resilience are poor, so the maunfacture is vulcanization and material quality is poor.
3. Color and smell, whether the color balance or not depends on the manufacture mixing operation, more mixing time more better mixing quality. 
4. The raw silicone rubber material is no smell no color, but through the vulcanization molding process, it will gain some smell, but after second vulcanization and long-time place,  the smell will disappear. 
From these above methods, you can judge whether the supply is qualified or not. 

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