Is it worth it to join honors societies in high school?

Depends on what you look to achieve from it. I agree with Micheal that some groups or organizations can present opportunities that can be advantageous, however at this particular time in your life I think this is less likely.
Agreeing with Matthew, my feeling is that in high school almost any type of group is there to serve one of two functions: to bring together like minded individuals, or to solicit money from you in some manner. Most of these “honor” type societies don’t really do much of anything for you except put your name on a list, and for which they ask for anything from $20 to hundreds of dollars. Its a scam.
If you are taking AP courses and keeping a good GPA, you will automatically be added to the school’s honors which mean much more than some bullshit elitist list generated by who knows who from who knows where.



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