Compare Passive Radiator With Bass Reflex Tube

Passive radiators are not super advanced alien technology; in fact they are very simple. A passive radiator performs the same duties that a "bass-reflex" port tube/hole does, but a passive radiator has many advantages over ported designs.
The physical positioning of a passive radiator is not as crucial as that of a tuned port hole. This fact is important as it means there is less risk of error during the engineering process.
As stated above, passive radiators also enable the use of smaller enclosures. This is because in order for a port tube to provide the same air mass as the speaker cone, the port tube may be physically large, which would require a larger speaker cabinet. (Remember, the port tube must be inside the cabinet.)
Speaker boxes featuring passive radiators are much easier to adjust/tune than ported cabinets.
Tuning a bass reflex port tube is a very complicated process which involves much mathematics to achieve. Tuning a passive radiator is very simple because all that is needed is an exact duplicate of the powered (driven) speaker. This simplicity greatly reduces the margin of possible error, thus enabling quicker, more accurate tuning.
We hope you found this article enlightening. There are many more details and aspects to passive radiator technology that this article did not cover. Our intention is to provide you with a simple, broken-down explanations of what a passive radiator does and what some of its benefits are. We encourage you to research this topic more if you are seeking more technical information to better understand a passive radiator's function; knowledge is power.

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