Sales Dept. Impressive Meeting

Today, our neighborly company visited us and we hold a meeting together. These person in this picture are all the sales dept. This meeting consists three steps: introduction; showing the PPT about SEO; Discussing some questions on how do better sales.
They all have long time experience in international business seperately on silicone rubber product, barbecue  shelf and package material.
Also, we are all belong the Xiamen 168 business group. this is an spomtaneous group,  we have the high enthusiasm on supply the better product and service for our custom,  not only because of the ambtion on internation business achievement, but also the most important  thing: the responsibility to make more convenient furture!
If you have any questions, please connect with us without any hesitate. Our team and I are always here to support you!
Our Contact Window:

  • Tel: +86 153 9592 5023 (Paris.Dawson)
  • Email: (Business email box)
  • Facebook: Paris.Dawson
  • LinkedIn: Paris.Dawson
  • Whatsapp:+86 153 7403 2009



Natural rubber & Synthetic rubbers

Types of Liquid Silicone Rubber

An Introduction About Plastic And Marrin Litter