What is the difference between Rubber and Silicone?

• Silicone is one of the elastomers, or one of the rubbers.
• The backbone of silicone contains silicon and oxygen, while the backbones of most of the other rubbers contain carbon-carbon bonds.
• Silicone is more resistant to heat, chemical attacks, fungus attacks, UV and Ozone attacks than normal rubber.
• Silicone is much better than all other rubbers for thermal insulation due to its heat resistance.
• Silicone rubber offers special properties, which organic rubbers do not posses. Organic rubbers have poor tensile and tear properties at high temperatures while these properties are excellent in silicone rubbers at the same temperature conditions.



Natural rubber & Synthetic rubbers

Types of Liquid Silicone Rubber

An Introduction About Plastic And Marrin Litter