
目前显示的是 八月, 2018的博文

JWT Win The Singing Race !

Last saturday, the Xiamen Business Alliance host one singing race in Xiamen Mengtian Music Club, all the trading companies and factories join this race, there are the silicone rubber product factory, plastic injection product factory, and many other industry field factories and trading companies. One of our Marketing Dept. staff, Dawson song one famous and charming song《Da Yu》, this is one meaningful song which shows what is the great love. And other racer from friend companies all profermance very well. As the typical filed professinal salesman, these guys have many other way to show their love for living life. Such as the singing race, the climbing and many other activities. So , this means that, if we have any cooperation chance, we will show you the positive spirit and attitute towards the project, with our professinal engineer team, you will get the most worry-less supplier.

What's the difference between silicon and silicone?

What’s the difference between silicon (used in electronics) and silicone (used in breast implants)? Also, what’s the deal with silicon-based life on other planets? Silicon is a chemical element, in many ways similar to carbon and usually described as a metalloid, meaning it has properties similar to those of a metal without actually being one. In its pure form, silicon forms gray crystals with a metallic luster. It’s the second-most-abundant element, after oxygen, making up nearly 26 percent of the earth’s crust. From its pure form, one can engineer all sorts of interesting devices by the carefully controlled addition of particular impurities. You’ve probably seen silicon most often in a combination of two oxygen atoms to one silicon atom: silicon dioxide, also known as quartz! You can think of silicon atoms as having four “hooks’’ that can link to other atoms, and oxygen atoms as having two hooks, with all the links used up to join two oxygen atoms and a silicon one to make s

Basics of Silicone Rubber Science and Technology

Silicone rubber is comprised of inorganic-organic polymers. These materials consist of an inorganic backbone with organic side groups attached to silicon atoms. This family of polymers possesses unmatched versatility giving the formulator and user multiple forms and methods to cross link the polymers into rubber materials having the widest service temperature range of any rubber material. This course is designed to provide the participant with a thorough understanding of silicone’s engineering characteristics. This class will take you from creation of silicone from sand through formulating the compound and the various methods by which silicone can be fabricated into useful service articles. Silicone rubber is used in the design and manufacture of automotive gaskets, O-rings, aerospace seals, industrial static seals, appliance seals, plate seals and molded and extruded seals and gaskets. The instructor will address the differences between high consistency rubber, caulks, and the various

Knowledge About Plastic Injection Product

Essentially, it’s the process of heating plastic resin pellets and forcing the melted plastic into a mold cavity. Once the plastic has cooled, the part is released and then the process begins all over again. There are three main parts in an injection molded plastics machine –  the mold, the clamping unit and the injection unit . It is the clamping unit that holds the mold together during the plastic injection and the cooling process. Plastic material in the form of small pellets are fed into the injection unit and then heated to a molten stage (transforming from a solid state to a liquid). After reaching the right temperature, the hot molten plastic is forced into the mold. Either a screw or a ram controls the pressure and speed of this phase of the injection molded plastics process. The short phase between the injection and the cooling of the object into its solid form is referred to as the “dwelling” phase. This step ensures that the mold cavities are completely filled before co

An Introduction About Plastic And Marrin Litter

Plastic is present everywhere around us – its durability, low cost, light weight and easily modified shape and properties has led to almost exponential increase in production since its large-scale manufacturing started in 1950s. Nowadays the global annual production of plastics exceeds 311 million tons and it is expected to rise year after year. Plastic is a synthetic material consisting of polymers, which form the basic structure of plastic. This structure can be modified to fulfil different needs by using additives that for example improve the flexibility or strength of the material. The wide variety of different plastics have their unique properties which make them suitable for different applications, e.g. packaging or insulation. Marine litter includes all anthropogenic material that has been entered the marine environment by intentional or unintentional actions of human beings. The composition of marine litter varies between locations, but usually most of the litter consists of p

8-18 Xiamen Mengtian Music Club, Singer Racing. Welcome you join us!

Hello, Everyone! Please notice that our fridenly companies and we are going to hold one singing race between us. This activity will be hold on Xiamen, Mengtian Music Club. If you are free, welcome to join us! Date: 2018-08-10   1:0--6:0 pm. Adress: Xiamen, Hubin North Road, No. 97, Mengtian Music Club.

How to repair the bad appearance of silicone rubber products

In the production of silicone products, the emergence of bad appearance products, has always been a silicone products factory comparison pay attention to things, because it is directly related to the factory’s profits, which affected the development of the enterprise, Although some silicone products can work look bad, but if the silicone products is difficult to repair the serious influence the development of the enterprise, therefore, in the process of production should be strictly control the production quality, not ignored the most important things for the sake of speed, regardless of non-performing products can repair the problem, the fix will waste a lot of manpower and resources, this is a cost that cannot be ignored. The situation is so bad appearance products? What is remedial method? Bad situation of the silicone products has numbness, stain, the wind, the dark mark, lack of materials, and so on, these bad appearance product is created by molding process. The following ke

Plastic Injection Mold

Injection moulding machines consist of a material hopper, an injection ram or screw-type plunger, and a heating unit. Also known as platens, they hold the moulds in which the components are shaped. Presses are rated by tonnage, which expresses the amount of clamping force that the machine can exert. This force keeps the mould closed during the injection process. Tonnage can vary from less than 5 tons to over 9,000 tons, with the higher figures used in comparatively few manufacturing operations. The total clamp force needed is determined by the projected area of the part being moulded. This projected area is multiplied by a clamp force of from 1.8 to 7.2 tons for each square centimetre of the projected areas. As a rule of thumb, 4 or 5 tons/in 2 can be used for most products. If the plastic material is very stiff, it will require more injection pressure to fill the mould, and thus more clamp tonnage to hold the mould closed. The required force can also be determined by the material u

Everything You Need to Know About Liquid Silicone Rubber

A Liquid Silicone Rubber material is a two-part platinum-cured elastomer that can be   injected into a mold cavity  to manufacture a part. LSR is very versatile in the elastomer industry and is seen across a whole spectrum of parts from consumer products to medical devices and everything in between. The operating temperature range for LSR can be between -65 ° C to150 ° C, which short peaks to 260 ° C.  With post cure, it offers very low compression set and can meet low outgassing down to  TML < 1 percent and CVCM < 0.1percent . These polymers are translucent, which means they can be pigmented to match any color requirement. LSR also has quick cycle times and less raw material handling — leading to quicker delivery times and greater throughput. To help manufacturers unleash the full potential of this material, we compiled everything you need to know about liquid silicone rubber. Making the polymer There are a couple of different ways to make the base polymer for an LSR. L

What's the HTV silicone?

HTV quality or high temperature vulcanized silicone rubber is used in the compression moulding press. Special silicone rubber materials are chosen based on their intended use, weather they need to be fire, oil or heat resistant. Food and medical qualities have FDA and BFR approvals. HTV silicone has been widely used to replace petrochemical products in all industries including aerospace, munitions industry, automobile, fine chemicals, construction, electric and electronics, food processing, mechanical engineering, medical and pharmaceutical, cosmetics, home appliances, paper film, solar batteries, and semi conductor. Recently, the scope of silicone application has been expanding at a greater speed. Durable:  Silicone rubber is a material of choice in industry when retention of initial shape and mechanical strength are desired under heavy thermal stress or sub-zero temperatures. Organic rubber has a carbon-to-carbon backbone which can leave it susceptible to ozone, UV, heat and oth

How to enjoy your college life? Do you have your own idea?

College life will start in you in so many of  life's  practises. And practise, remember, makes perfect… Guard against home sickness by creating as much as a home for yourself as you can. These days, you'll likely have all your photographs, award certificates, etc, on your computer. We had to cart all the hard copies. Otherwise the rule is: if in times of stress you reach for it, pack it. Be more like my trainee Marine mate, George; less like I was going to college. He went to Falmouth to study fine art. Driven there by all his family; given his own annexe of Ikea Kitchen, The Student Cookbook; non-sharing in a double room in halls. First thing he sorted was student gym membership. I was decidedly opera-shaped when I went to study singing at Guildhall. I rented an attic room ten miles from college with a family so dysfunctional they made the Gallaghers look like the Waltons, was dropped off in a friend of my mother's taxi, with lidless bits of Tupperware, a slowly defla