JWT Win The Singing Race !

Last saturday, the Xiamen Business Alliance host one singing race in Xiamen Mengtian Music Club, all the trading companies and factories join this race, there are the silicone rubber product factory, plastic injection product factory, and many other industry field factories and trading companies.

One of our Marketing Dept. staff, Dawson song one famous and charming song《Da Yu》, this is one meaningful song which shows what is the great love. And other racer from friend companies all profermance very well. As the typical filed professinal salesman, these guys have many other way to show their love for living life. Such as the singing race, the climbing and many other activities.

So , this means that, if we have any cooperation chance, we will show you the positive spirit and attitute towards the project, with our professinal engineer team, you will get the most worry-less supplier.



Natural rubber & Synthetic rubbers

Types of Liquid Silicone Rubber

An Introduction About Plastic And Marrin Litter