The Many Uses of Silicone Rubber

Take a look at some of the different areas where silicone rubber is commonly used.
  • Construction & Restoration
One of the most common uses of silicone is for construction. Due to its adhesive properties, it can be used to bind together important building materials, such as concrete, plastics, glass, metal, and granite. This enhances the strength and durability of a structure, securing it against moisture, pollution, heat and other elements that cause wear and tear. Similarly, silicone is also used for restoring old buildings without altering their original appearance.
  • Electronics
There is no end to the number of silicone rubber applications in the field of electronics today. It is often used to seal the inner circuits and processors of most electronic gadgets, protecting them from heat, corrosion, moisture and other conditions that can cause wear and tear.
  • Aviation
Silicone is known for its properties of resistance to extreme stress and temperatures, making it not just useful, but essential in the aviation industry. Silicone adhesives are used to seal crucial parts of planes like doors, windows, fuel tanks, vent ducts, and so on, thereby reducing the risk of mishaps during flights.
  • Healthcare
Silicone also has resistance to bacteria, a fact that makes it the ideal material for healthcare products. It is often used for making prosthetics, infant care products and other medical articles that must match safety standards.
  • Domestic Uses
A number of household and kitchen accessories are enhanced, using silicone. Non-stick, sturdy and durable cookware is manufactured using a silicone coating, which greatly improves the cooking experience.
  • FDA compliance
FDA compliant Silicone is suitable for medical, pharmaceutical and food processing industries or anywhere that a ‘clean room’ application is required. It can be used in applications where contact with food is a primary factor.
  • Industrial Production Processes
Due to its many impressive properties, silicone is an integral part of manufacturing processes for a number of products, as it also increases the scope for innovative production techniques.
  • Paints and Adhesives
Known for its adhesive and pigmentation qualities, silicone greatly enhances the quality of paints and sealants. It also provides better resistance against weather changes and most kinds of stains.
In addition to all of its applications, affordable silicone rubber prices make it even more valuable and indispensable in day-to-day life.

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