
目前显示的是 四月, 2018的博文

The Best Way To Clean Silicone Bakeware

Silicone baking pans — muffin tins, nonstick sheet pan liners, loaf pans — can be great if you are short on storage space, hate using cooking spray, or can't ever seem to get a Bundt cake out of the pan to save your life. But then you go to clean them. They seem like they should be easy to clean. Yet somehow, they aren't. There never seems to be a way to get rid of that oily residue. That's why we went to the experts to find out just how you should be cleaning those flexible pans. All three of our experts — Brandon Iacometta, marketing and sales administrator for  Silpat ; Judi Alexander, VP of marketing,  Casabella ; and Jolie Kerr, author of  My Boyfriend Barfed in My Handbag  and host of the  Ask a Clean Person  podcast — had similar tips. Here's what you need to know. 1. You really just need two key things. You need two things to really clean your silicone bakeware: hot water and grease-cutting dish soap, like Dawn or Palmolive, recommends Kerr. This is

Is Silicone Safe for Baking

Is Silicone Safe for Baking? Unfortunately, this is one of those questions that I usually answer by saying: It depends. To understand that answer, it is important to understand several often-confused terms:   Silicon – A natural chemical substance (atomic #14), meaning it can’t be divided into smaller particles without splitting atoms. It is the second most abundant element (after oxygen) and when it bonds with oxygen creates minerals called silicates (like quartz, olivine, micas, thomsonite, jadeite, and prehnite) Silica – A compound made of silicon and another element. It is present in the human body in high amounts and emerging research suggests it can be beneficial for health. I’ve mentioned it before when talking about diatomaceous earth and how I consume it in natural form, but it isn’t the same as silicon or silicone bakeware and isn’t relevant when talking about the safety of silicone. Silicone – A synthetic polymer created by adding carbon and/or oxygen to silicon. It

How to judge the quality of silicone rubber

There is a saying: all consquence came from serious analysis, sometimes, we judge one person's perfessional level should from his professinal view, judging one brand should from its public praise, service and quality and many other sides. Today, I would like to share how to judge the quality of silicone rubber with you! silicone rubber gasket Many times the silicone rubber effection is out of requirement, if you have already clarified clearly, youshould have to judge the different and common place between your requirement and the actual product. By the way, the directly way to judge the silicone rubber product quality form its "hand feeling". silicone rubber injection product  Silicone rubber actual product judgement: 1. Does the peeling edge rough or not. Moudling line size decide the mould operation level, the mould operation level decide the product whole effection. So the peeling line is very important.  2. Product vulcanization effection,  from hand feel

What Is The Injection?

Injection moulding  or  Injection molding  , is a  manufacturing  process for producing parts by injecting molten material into a  mould . Injection moulding can be performed with a host of materials mainly including  metals , (for which the process is called  die-casting ),  glasses ,  elastomers , confections, and most commonly  thermoplastic  and  thermosetting  polymers. Material for the part is fed into a heated barrel, mixed (Using a helical shaped screw), and injected (Forced) into a  mould cavity , where it cools and hardens to the configuration of the cavity. After a product is designed, usually by an  industrial designer  or an  engineer , moulds are made by a mould-maker (or toolmaker) from  metal , usually either  steel  or  aluminium , and  precision-machined  to form the features of the desired part. Injection moulding is widely used for manufacturing a variety of parts, from the smallest components to entire  body panels  of  cars . Advances in  3D printing  technology,

How The Passive Radiator Work(The principles)

Blue Teeth Passive Radiator Stereo How Passive Radiators Work A passive radiator speaker is a simple device that increases the low frequency response (Bass) of a speaker system*. When used properly, a passive radiator can give a speaker system the comparable performance characteristics of a much larger system; that's the point, in a nutshell. A lot of air needs to be moved in order to produce audible bass frequencies. Traditionally, when it comes to bass production, a larger woofer meant louder, clearer bass. Passive radiator technology has broken this tradition. Blue Teeth Passive Radiator Stereo What is a Passive Radiator? A passive radiator looks like a normal driver (speaker) from the front, but on the backside, it appears to have had all of its "guts" removed. See the picture on the right. A passive radiator is a speaker without the magnet, and electronic structure attached to it; it is just the cone, suspension, and frame. Really though, a norma

How To Clean Your Car Mat

How to Clean Car Floor Mats Method 1 Preparing to Clean Your Car Floor Mats 1 Remove your floor mats, whether rubber or cloth, from your car, if possible. Open all of your car doors one-by-one, and take your mats out of the car, if they are removable. Do not clean them while they are still inside the car. [1] You want to remove the mats so that you won't get water damage in your car’s interior. Also, you should not allow oily or foam consistency products to come in contact with the gas, clutch and brake pedals in your car as this could cause your foot to slip off the pedal during driving, which is dangerous. Clean the mats outside. You can clean the mats at a gas station or at home in your parking lot or inside your garage. Most  car mats  are removable. However, occasionally the mats are built into the car. In those cases, you will have to clean them inside the car. 2 Vacuum cloth floor mats first.  Use a vacuum to ensure that you suction up al

Liquid Silicone Rubber

Silicone rubber is one important and common material in our living life. It is divided into liquid silicone rubber and solid silicone rubber. Today this essay is going to talk about the information of liquid silicone rubber. liquid silicone rubber Liquid silicone rubber has no certain shape, comperated with high temperature vulcanizated solid silicone rubber, it is high liquidity, rapid vulcanization, more security and environment friendly, and it can reach the food level requirement. And the liquid silicone rubber product has the advantages of tearing resistance, resilience, yellowing resistance, aging resistance, and thermostability. liquid silicone rubber headphones membrance Liquid silicone rubber material can be used in covering and injection. According to different usage, there are four big kinds of liquid silicone rubber:LSR, RTV-1, RTV-2,RTV-T.  LSR, full name is inject molding liquid silicone rubber, molding equipment is injection molding machine, molding machin