How To Clean Your Car Mat

How to Clean Car Floor Mats

Preparing to Clean Your Car Floor Mats

  1. Image titled Clean Car Floor Mats Step 1
    Remove your floor mats, whether rubber or cloth, from your car, if possible.Open all of your car doors one-by-one, and take your mats out of the car, if they are removable. Do not clean them while they are still inside the car.[1]
    • You want to remove the mats so that you won't get water damage in your car’s interior. Also, you should not allow oily or foam consistency products to come in contact with the gas, clutch and brake pedals in your car as this could cause your foot to slip off the pedal during driving, which is dangerous.
    • Clean the mats outside. You can clean the mats at a gas station or at home in your parking lot or inside your garage. Most car mats are removable. However, occasionally the mats are built into the car. In those cases, you will have to clean them inside the car.
  2. Image titled Clean Car Floor Mats Step 2
    Vacuum cloth floor mats first. Use a vacuum to ensure that you suction up all of the dust particles and soil specks from your car mats before you try to clean them further.
    • Cleaning a damp carpet mat can be difficult. You could use baking soda to absorb some moisture and foul odor by lightly sprinkling it onto the carpet floor mat and then leaving it to sit for about 10-20 minutes, before vacuuming.
    • Vacuum the mats on both sides, making sure to thoroughly get crumbs and dust off of them. [2]
  3. Image titled Clean Car Floor Mats Step 3
    Shake or whack the mats to remove dirt. This will shake out some of the dust that is embedded in the rubber or cloth floor mats. Do this outside.
    • Give the mat a couple of whacks against the ground.
    • Find a hard surface to strike the mats against. This works for rubber and cloth mats. You might also want to use a scraper to remove hardened materials from the rubber mat before cleaning it.

Washing Rubber Car Floor Mats

  1. Image titled Clean Car Floor Mats Step 4
    Choose good quality rubber car floor mats. Car floor mats are often made out of rubber. Especially up north where it can get rainy and snowy, the rubber mats provide good moisture protection for your interior and will dry faster than any other mat would do.
    • You should pick rubber mats of good quality or else you will end up getting holes in them, which can make the water go under the mat and onto the floor and your interior floor will start to rot.
    • If the interior floor starts to rot, this will create a really bad smell inside your car over time.
  2. Image titled Clean Car Floor Mats Step 5
    Take a hose. Use a hose to simply wash the mats, but only on the dirty side of the mat. Don't make the mats wet on the downside.
    • The hose should help you remove the loosely gathered dirt or food on the rubber floor mats.
    • You could use a bucket of water if you don’t have a hose, although the pressure from the hose is useful for dislodging loose materials from the mats. You could also go to a car wash and pressure wash them off.
  3. Image titled Clean Car Floor Mats Step 6
    Apply soap to every mat. Mix laundry soap and baking soda with water. This will fizz and lift out dirt. If you don't have baking soda, just use any kind of liquid soap.
    • You could use spray soap or you could apply the soap with a wet rag. It's not hard to get dirt off of rubber floor mats, so usually soap and water is going to do the trick.
    • Apply more pressure to your water hose, and wash the mats as good and thoroughly as you can. You could also clean rubber floor mats with baby wipes and hand sanitizer.
  4. Image titled Clean Car Floor Mats Step 7
    Dry the car mats. The mats should be dry before you put them back into your car, but if you are at a gas station washing them there, you may not be able to wait.
    • In that case, place all your mats where they are supposed to be, and put your air conditioning on full heat, and flip the fan switch to full power.
    • For the best and fastest drying, put the AC Location switch to feet warming, as this will allow the mats to dry out quickly.
  1. Image titled Clean Car Floor Mats Step 13
    Dry the floor mats thoroughly. To dry cloth floor mats, hang them up somewhere or dry them in a dryer. Floor mats get a damp musky smell if not dry.
    • You could also spray them with a clean fresh scent. Leave them outside in the sun to dry. This will also help freshen the smell.
    • You could also put cloth floor mats in the dryer. Then, use a razor to remove any excess fur hanging off the mat (just razor the whole mat and all the extra fur will disappear)
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